Positive conversations with old and new friends. I'd love for you to join me on my back porch.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Everyday hero

Today I sit by my window writing and look down at my backyard. My throat's sore, and my eyes sting from allergies. I tried working outside but didn't last long.

My sweet husband, Tim, is outside by himself raking pine needles to use as mulch on our garden.

A horde of young girls have pulled up on skateboards behind our house to enjoy the neighborhood sidewalk. They are giggling and having a good time. At one point they even had flutophones and were playing them. If you knew how much my husband detests flutophones, you'd know how funny it is.

He continued to work while the girls played and talked and never once complained.

Yesterday, we watched two-year old Brooke all day. Once I took the dog out, and Tim held Brook in his arms down on the patio. I could hear him talking to her about how many fingers she had on each hand. He drained the hot tub yesterday, and of course Brooke wanted to help. Tim always works fast, no matter what he does. But he slowed his pace to allow Brooke and me to help with the hot tub.

All kinds of people,do big heroic things. This weekend, Tim may not have done anything newsworthy, but he's my hero.


  1. Awwww:) You married your hero:) And you two make such a cute couple! Hope your sore throat and allergies get better fast!

  2. Thanks, Susan. I hope you have a great week!



Author June McCrary Jacobs: ~ GREAT ESCAPES DOG-GONE DEAD BLOG TOUR ~ :   ���������������������������������� ~ GREAT ESCAPES BLOG TOUR STOP...