Positive conversations with old and new friends. I'd love for you to join me on my back porch.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Flag of the Week

I spotted this week's flag walking through the neighborhood with Tim and Heinz.

I don't know these homeowners, but when I walk past their home I feel like they must be friendly.

The last two nights we've been out walking, we've met two new couples. One was driving around lost, and the other couple live down the street from us. I think our country will be stronger if we start by getting to know our neighbors.

God bless America.


  1. Lovely home! And you're so right about meeting neighbors. It was sure different when I was growing up.

  2. I agree Jackie. Chester and I try to walk most evenings when it cools off, but last night he didn't get home until after dark. The night before we met two new people in our new neighborhood--one a guy like Chester who has a cattle business and one who is a librarian in Georgetown who is a book-lover like me who also wants to write!

  3. Hi Janet and Rose,
    Thanks for stopping by. I'm blessed to live in a friendly neighborhood.
    Take care!


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